The Effect of Drugs on the Peristaltic Reflex and
Intestinal Motility of Guinea Pig Ileum.
Husaain Almakrami, Peter Pham,
Cheuk Lam Melissa Chung,
Erin Kelly, Fan-Yin Li and
Rhiannon Welsh.
PCOL 2012, 2010
small intestine is a segment of the gastrointestinal tract, which is
responsible for completing digestion and absorbing water and nutrients from the
breakdown of food (Silverthorn, 2007). Pharmacological therapy on the layers of
the small intestine, namely the serosa, muscularis externa, submucosa and
mucosa can alter the function of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the
ability to activate the peristalsis reflex (Sternini 1988).
consists of progressive waves of contractions propagating down the lumen,
initiated by stretch receptors on sensory neurons as a food bolus places
pressure on the intestinal wall. As these neuronal signals are relayed to
interneurons they release neurotransmitters such acetylcholine, which
alternately stimulate excitatory and inhibitory motor neurons, coordinating a
rhythmic contractile wave in the outer longitudinal and inner circular smooth
muscles. These rhythmic contractile waves propel food to subsequent sections of
the gastrointestinal tract.
number of drugs are known to be inhibitors of the peristaltic reflex such as
the local anaesthetic lignocaine, and the cholinergic antagonists atropine and
hexamthonium (Goyal and Hirano, 1996). These target the numerous cell surface
receptors in the enteric nervous system, responsible for the innervations
leading to peristalsis and the exertion of local control over mixing and the
propulsive movements in the small intestine (Kunze and Furness, 1999).
Antagonism of muscle contraction by calcium blockers such as nicardipine is
also noted as obstructing peristalsis (Goyal and Hirano, 1996).
The initiation of peristalsis in vivo guinea pig ileum both alone and
in the presence of lignocaine, hexamethonium, atropine and nicardipine was
studied by increasing internal hydrostatic pressure within the ileum to
simulate the pressure exerted by a food bolus, followed by successively
subjecting the tissue to each drug in an organ bath. The contractile response
relative to the response produced under standard pressure indicated the effect
of each drug on the contractility of the muscle.
The aim of the
experiment was to investigate the initiation of peristalsis in guinea pig ileum
via stretch receptor stimulation, as well as to demonstrate the neuronal origin
of the peristaltic reflex by comparing the effects of lignocaine,
hexamethonium, atropine and nicardipine on the contractility of the smooth
muscle. It was hypothesised
that the local anaesthetic (lignocaine) and both cholinergic antagonists
(hexamethonium and atropine) would diminish the contractile response, and that
nicardipine would effectively paralyse the intestinal smooth muscle.
The amplitude of guinea pig ileum smooth
muscle rhythmic contraction increased from 12.9 au to 14.2 au as the
hydrostatic pressure increased from 1cm.H2O to 1.5cm.H2O. Contraction further
increased to 16.7 au and 33.4 au at 2cm.H20 and 2.5cm.H2O respectively. At
3cm.H2O, smooth muscle contraction decreased to 30.2 au (Figure 1).
In the presence of lignocaine,
peristalsis was present at 66.1% of its optimal response at 2.5cm.H2O, while in
the presence of atropine and hexamethonium, peristalsis was present at 80.8%
and 83.1% respectively. 0.2% of optimal contraction was elicited in the
presence of nicardipine (Figure 2).
1. The relationship between hydrostatic pressure (cm.H2O) on the amplitude of
smooth muscle contraction (au).
piece of guinea-pig small intestine was placed in an organ bath containing
Tyrode’s solution at 37°C.
The response of the tissue to increased hydrostatic pressure was tested once
every two minutes starting at 1cm.H2O, increasing the pressure in 0.5cm.H2O
steps. The response signal was measured through the transducer lever attached
via a thread from the tissue. The pressure at which a peristaltic response was
regularly produced without fatigue was chosen as the “standard pressure”.
2. Peristaltic reflex of the guinea-pig small intestine in the presence of
lignocaine, atropine, hexamethonium and nicardipine, measured as a % of optimal
contraction at 2.5cm.H2O.
(5x10-3 M), atropine (1x10-5 M), hexamethonium (3x10-3 M) and nicardipine
(1x10-3 M) were added separately to the organ bath under standard pressure and
allowed to act for 2 minutes until an altered response was produced. The
preparation was washed and allowed 5 minutes to recover before adding the
subsequent drug.
experiment largely supported the hypotheses and the aims were met; lignocaine,
atropine and hexamethonium exerted diminishing inhibition of peristalsis
(66.1%, 80.0% and 83.1% respectively). Nicardipine, showed near complete
inhibition of peristalsis allowing only 0.2% of the standard amplitude (Figure
2.). This standard amplitude of 2.5cm/H2O was chosen due to its ability to
elicit the maximum peristaltic response without any fatigue of the tissue
resulting (Figure 1), as would have been observed by a decline in amplitude
with time (Q1).
Lignocaine, a common local
anaesthetic, showed inhibition of peristalsis due to its ability to block
sodium-ion protein channels in nerves. Such occlusion prevents the initiation
and proliferation of nerve action potentials, allowing for its use as a local
anaesthetic by acting on nociceptive neurons (Rang et al, 2007), resulting in
diminished amplitude of contraction, indicating that partial inhibition was
occurring. Partial inhibition of the peristaltic reflex was also observed in
the presence of atropine. Its antagonising effect on the muscarinic
acetylcholine receptors caused prevention of acetylcholine release from
excitatory motor neurons (Rang et al.,
2007). Hexamethonium, also an antagonist, acts on the nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor at the ganglia and blocking neural transmission. This was also
observed in the experiment by a reduction in peristalsis (Lee, 1959). On the
other hand, as L-type calcium channels provide the main calcium source for
smooth muscle contraction, the blockage by nicardipine inhibits muscle
contractility, causing subsequent paralysis regardless of neural stimulation,
thereby completely inhibiting peristalsis (Rang et al, 2007) (Q3).
The results
demonstrated that reflex responses activated by stretch or mucosal stimulation
appear to be mediated by an intrinsic neuronal network within the myenteric
plexus, as blockage appears to reduce transmission and thus peristaltic
inhibition. Myenteric after-hyperpoalrising (AH) neurons project into the
intestinal villi and are directly activated by chemicals applied to the mucosa,
therefore are likely to be the sensory neurons mediating mucosal reflexes. As a
result, myenteric AH neurons in addition to responding to chemical stimulation
also respond to both stretch and contraction (Lee, 1959((Q2).
Blockage of the peristaltic reflex
by the local anesthetic lignocaine indicated that the impairment of neural
activity was occurring, as signals were unable to be transmitted. This
indicates that the myenteric plexus was the source of the neuronal origin
resulting in the diminishment of sustained contraction (Suzuki, 1992).
Ligand-gated ion channels are another form of receptors located in the ENS,
which mediate fast synaptic responses (Galligan, 2002). These include nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors which seem to be exclusively located on neurons but not
on the muscle. Consequently hexamethonium will interrupt neuronal transmission
only, with the degree of inhibition varying. Conversely, cholinergic excitation
of intestinal muscle occurs via muscarinic acetylcholine receptors that are
blocked by atropine (Holzer, 1989) although not entirely. Therefore as both
atropine and hexamethonium fail to completely inhibit peristalsis it is evident
that cholinergic transmission is involved in the coordination of this reflex
pathway (Holzer, 1989)(Q2).
Due to time restrictions, the
effects of lignocaine and atropine on peristalsis were studied in one
apparatus, while the effects of hexamethonium and nicardipine were studied in
another. In future, performing the
experiment on one single piece of tissue may allow better comparison between
different drugs and improve result reliability.
In conclusion, this
study was carried out to investigate the effects of receptor stimulation on the
initiation of peristalsis, and to demonstrate the neuronal origin of the
peristaltic reflex. Experimental results supported previous studies, which
showed that peristalsis was inhibited in the presence of lignocaine, atropine,
hexamethonium, all of which act to reduce neural transmission, thereby
partially inhibiting peristalsis. While the effect of nicardipine was not
neuronal in origin, it blocked smooth muscle contraction and thus also
diminished the peristaltic reflex.
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